
Structuring elements for mathematical morhology

pygorpho.strel.flat_ball_approx(radius, type=1)[source]

Returns approximation to flat ball using line segments.

The approximation is constructed according to [J19] and allows for constant time morphology operations.

  • r – Integer radius of flat ball.
  • type – Whether to constrain the zonohedral approximation inside or outside the sphere. Must either INSIDE, BEST, or OUTSIDE from constants.

Tuple with step vectors and line lengths which parameterizes the line segments.

Return type:

(numpy.array, numpy.array)


import numpy as np
import pygorpho as pg
# Dilation with ball approximation of radius 25
vol = np.zeros((100,100,100))
vol[50, 50, 50] = 1
lineSteps, lineLens = pg.strel.flat_ball_approx(25)
res = pg.flat.linear_dilate(vol, lineSteps, lineLens)


[J19]P. M. Jensen et al., “Zonohedral Approximation of Spherical Structuring Element for Volumetric Morphology,” Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (pp. 128-139). Springer. 2019.